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In Memory of Maureen Matthew

We want to express our deepest condolences to Maureen's family and friends on her passing. Maureen was a dedicated and passionate member of the CESEF Board playing key roles as Treasurer and Organizer of silent auctions. Her kindness and dedication will be deeply missed both within the CESEF Board and in the broader evaluation community. 

How do I apply for a scholarship?

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The CESEF Graduate Scholarship Program is intended to strengthen evaluation skills by promoting the acquisition of formal academic and practical training.

View scholarship requirements

View previous scholarship recipients


The Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund (CESEF) provides scholarships and other learning opportunities for Canadians who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of program evaluation.

The Fund is governed by a Board of Directors made up of evaluation specialists who believe in the importance of increasing evaluation expertise in Canada.  We believe in the power of evaluation to improve programs for the benefit of society!

Read more about CESEF


Linzi Williamson, PhD Candidate

2017 Award Recipient

Linzi Williamson, PhD Candidate in Applied Social Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan, was the winner of the 2017 CES/CESEF Student Excellence advancing Evaluation Knowledge (SEEK) Award. Dr. Karen Lawson nominated Linzi for the award. Her paper on "Evaluating the PotashCorp Kamskenow Science Outreach Program: An Appreciative Inquiry Approach" impressed the adjudicators for its thoughtful methodology, consideration for client’s needs, and robust data techniques.

Read the full story.

The CESEF is an independent organization created by the Canadian Evaluation Society in 1990 and reorganized in 2005 to increase national assessment capacity through educational activities. In 2006, CESEF was officially registered as a Canadian charity.

The Fund maintains partnerships with the Canadian Evaluation Society and the Consortium of Universities for Evaluation Education to promote the shared goal of developing the area of program evaluation by increasing access to education, training and professional development.

We invite interested people, potential partners, students and evaluation specialists to send us their comments and suggestions.

Mailing and Email Address

 The Willow Group                                       401 - 1505 Laperriere Ave                     Ottawa, ON K1Z 7T1

  We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.

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